The Historical Society of Mount Lebanon

Preserving Our Past



The Historical Society of Mount Lebanon presents “Barrier-Breaking Women” a celebration of Mt. Lebanon women who made an impact on our community as well as “Picturing Women Inventors,” a poster exhibition in collaboration with the The Smithsonian that explores the inventions of 19 highly accomplished American women. Astronauts, computer pioneers, and businesswomen join athletes, engineers, and even teenagers in this remarkable group of inventors.

The FREE exhibit and posters will be on view at the History Center, 794 Washington Road, through July. Come visit us during our open hours or schedule a private tour!

The Historical Society of Mount Lebanon serves and promotes the community by collecting, preserving, interpreting, and sharing its history in ways designed to inspire our present and guide our future. 

Mount Lebanon History

Mount Lebanon is spread across more than six square miles of Western Pennsylvania’s hills, but it once was contested land. Surveys were made on May 25, 1770, for James McFarlane’s “Black Oak Hill” within what was to become Mount Lebanon and a neighboring tract, probably now in Dormont, occupied by an individual named Price. A Pennsylvania patent for the McFarlane land was not received until November 27, 1788, perhaps because Virginia had included this territory in the western part of its County of Augusta and, later, the County of Youghioghenia.


Become a Member

Our success depends on the support and involvement of people, businesses, and organizations. Each member adds strength to our organization, and together they provide a strong collective force toward accomplishing our purpose. The society is classified as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, charitable organization.

Membership Benefits
  • Subscription to The Cedar Tree, published quarterly.
  • Flyers announcing our bi-monthly programs.
  • Access to The Historical Society of Mount Lebanon’s collections (upon application to the collections committee chairperson).
  • Savings on tours, publications, and educational programs.

The History Center 794 Washington Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15228
(at the corner of Washington Road across from Southminster Church)


  • 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursdays
  • 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays

You can also make an appointment for your organization or high school reunion group.

If you have out-of-town guests and would like to schedule a tour, call 412-329-8595 and leave a message with the date and time you’d like to visit. We will do our best to open for you!